Sonic Team Pictures
Sonic Team Pictures

This is the Sonics 1999 team, most of these girls will be on the 2001 team also.

From left to right: Coaches, Bob Hoffart, Dan McKenzie and Kathy McRae. Top row: Megan McKenzie, Katy McRae, Kelly McKenzie, Nicole Hoffart, Jaqueline McDonald. Bottom row: Randi Bacchiega, Stephanie Idt, Jennifer Then, Brittany Seward, Adrienne Teare, Theresa Manaloto.

This is the 2000 Canadian Champions Team.

From left to right: Coaches, Bob Hoffart, Dan McKenzie and Kathy McRae. Top row: Samanthat Peterson, Jaqueline McDonald, Randi Bacchiega, Katy McRae, Megan McKenzie, Dianna Day. Bottom row: Brittany Seward, Theresa Manaloto, Kristina Hoffart, Terri Romanchuk, Alyssa Madison.

Another picture of the 2000 Canadian team, before the Worlds.

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